Infants & childreN

Get My Car Seat Checked

Trust the experts to ensure your child’s restraint is set up correctly and that all car seats or booster seats are installed properly.

Connect with a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) in your community who will check your car seat or booster seat, ensure they are installed correctly, and teach you how to use and install them on your own.

Child Passenger Safety Technicians

Find nationally certified child passenger safety technicians or attend a car seat safety clinic near you.

Attend a Safety Event

Participate in a safety event hosted by a Safe Kids Coalition in your area. These coalitions lead efforts to reduce child injury and host over 8,000 free car seat inspection events nationwide. Trained technicians will teach you everything you need to know to ensure your car seat is installed and used correctly. Even if there isn’t an upcoming event, a technician may still be available to assist you.

Find a Technician Online

Access the National CPST certification program to locate child passenger safety technicians in your area. Simply fill out the online form and search by location, language, or special needs training.

Schedule a Virtual Car Seat Check

If you would like to have your child’s car seat or booster seat checked virtually through an online virtual meeting, the National Safety Council has CPST on staff to assist you.

What to Expect When Meeting with a CPST

This experience isn’t like getting an oil change—it’s a personalized, engaging, one-on-one learning opportunity. By the end, you should feel confident that your child’s seat is installed correctly and be comfortable reinstalling it on your own. This may be the most valuable knowledge you gain.

During a Car Seat Checkup:

  • Proof of Certification: Ask to see your technician’s current certification.
  • Time Commitment: This personalized education typically takes 20-30 minutes, depending on your car seat or booster seat and vehicle. The technician will ensure you have all the time you need until you feel confident in your installation.

What Happens During the Checkup

  • The CPST will fill out a car seat check form to document the process (including car seat type, location in vehicle, and any misuse observations). This form may be electronic or on paper.
  • They will review the car seat selection appropriate for your child’s age, weight, and height, along with factors affecting proper use.
  • The technician will check the car seat instruction manual and the vehicle owner’s manual to ensure compliance with both.
  • They will confirm that an appropriate seating position is used in the vehicle.
  • The CPST will check for recalls, visible damage, and expiration dates on the car seat.
  • They will guide you through the installation process, encouraging you to learn how to install the car seat in different seating positions and using various techniques.
  • Discuss the next steps for your child, including when to transition to the next type of car seat as outlined in Minnesota law.
  • Review state laws and best practices for occupant safety.
  • Emphasize the importance of proper restraint for all passengers, including adults.
  • Discuss safety in and around the vehicle.
  • Answer any questions you may have—so feel free to ask!

Measuring Success

A car seat checkup is considered a success if you can answer “yes” to these questions:

  • Did you perform the installation?
  • Do you feel confident installing and using the car seat correctly?
  • Were your questions answered? If not, were you given direction on whom to contact, or will the CPST follow up with you?

The information and materials found on this website are intended for reference and education. To ensure all passengers are using vehicle restraint systems correctly, please consult with a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, as well as your vehicle’s owner’s manual and your child restraint owner’s manual.