Infants & childreN

Forward-Facing Car Seats

Forward-Facing Car Seats

Watch this demonstration of using a forward facing car seat.

Forward-facing car seats are a type of child restraint designed for children who have outgrown the height or weight limits of their rear-facing car seats. Check the weight and height to ensure your child will meet the requirements according to the car seat manufacturer. These type of car seats stay installed in the vehicle, allowing you to easily put your child in and remove them each time you use the car seat.

Minnesota law requires that you keep your child in a forward-facing car seat with an internal harness until at least 4 years old and until they exceed the height or weight limits, according to the car seat manufacturer.

When installing a forward-facing car seat, follow both the car seat manufacturer’s manual and the vehicle owner’s manual. It’s also recommended to have your car seat installation checked by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.

The information and materials found on this website are intended for reference and education. To ensure all passengers are using vehicle restraint systems correctly, please consult with a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, as well as your vehicle’s owner’s manual and your child restraint owner’s manual.